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Carmel Caterpillars Preschool


Carmel Caterpillars Pre-School

Nappy Changing Policy


Policy Statement

No child is excluded from participating in our setting who may, for any reason, not yet be toilet trained and who may still be wearing nappies, or equivalent. We work with parents towards toilet training, unless there are medical or other developmental reasons why this may not be appropriate at the time. 

We have a designated area in the disabled toilet in the porch in order to accomodate children who are not yet toilet trained.

We see toilet training as a self-care skill that children have the opportunity to learn with the full support and non-judgemental concern of adults. 


  • Staff undertake changing young children
  • Changing areas are warm and there is a changing mat to be used
  • Each young child has their own nappies or pants and changing wipes, provided by their parents in their own named bags, on their named pegs.
  • Gloves and aprons are put on before changing starts and their areas are prepared.
  • All staff are familiar with the hygiene procedures and carries these out when changing nappies
  • In addition, staff ensure that nappy changing is relaxed, and a time to promote independence in young children
  • Young children are encouraged to take an interest in using the toilet
  • They should be encouraged to wash their hands and have soap and paper towels to hand
  • Staff are gentle when changing. They should avoid pulling faces and making negative comments about "nappy contents"
  • Older children access the toilet when they have the need to, and are encouraged to be independent.
  • Nappies and "pull ups" are disposed of hygienically. Any faeces in nappies or pull ups is flushed down the toilet and the nappy or pull up is bagged and put in the child's bag, as we do not have the facilities to dispose of nappies. Trainer pants and ordinary pants that have been wet or soiled are rinsed and bagged for the parent to take home.
  • Parents are asked to sign the "wet book" when collecting their child from Pre-School. This ensures parents are aware that their child has been changed. 

Update 2023


We have a few children in nappies and continue to change these when required.  We will also assist when the time comes for your child to be toilet trained.


We do ask that Pull-Ups are not used as part of toilet training or as an alternative to a nappy.

In our experience, we have found that using Pull-ups can confuse a child when in the process of being toiletr trained as they feel like a nappy and not pants, sometimes making the process longer.  Children need to feel 'wet' or 'uncomfortable' in order for toilet training to be sucessful.  

Pull-ups are not as absorbent as nappies and are more expensive!  Leaking is certainly an issue if used instead of a nappy.  Pull-ups also take longer to change as all clothes (on the bottom half) need to be removed in order to pull-on a new one.  This takes a member of staff away from teaching longer than is necessary. 


As above, we will continue to work with you when the time comes for toilet training and together try to make it as easy as possible.



The original of this document was signed on behalf of Carmel Caterpillars Pre-School Committee by the current Chairperson.