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Carmel Caterpillars Preschool


Settling in Policy

Policy statement

We aim for all children to feel secure and happy in our setting when they are separated from their families. We aim for them to feel comfortable with their Key Workers and that they recognise us not only as friends and teachers, but as a large part of their learning experience in a warm and caring environment. We recognise that all children and their families have different degrees of security and that children need to feel secure and happy in order to learn. Taking this in to consideration we aim for you the parent, to decide the best way of settling in your child and will support you wholly in your decision. However, we have the right to refuse admission to any parents/children who may cause disruption to the daily running of the setting, within the boundaries set by the Pre-school and taking into account at all times, the welfare of all the other children.


  • Allocation of Key person before your child starts
  • We encourage parents to pop in to the Pre-school for a visit to have an informal chat regarding our ethos and how we run on a daily basis. This gives you the opportunity to ask questions and raise any worries or concerns you may have.
  • We allow parents to visit as much as is needed with their child prior to their start date, on a pre-arranged basis.
  • A home visit is arranged prior to your child starting at Pre-school. Home visits are arranged on a particular day at the beginning of the term your child will be starting. Unfortunately, this is not subject to change due to staff maintaining the correct ratios during working hours.
  • We stagger the start date for new children and their families to no more than two at a time at the same session, this allows us to give your child our undivided attention.
  • We understand that all children need different levels of support in settling at Pre-school. On some occasions it may be necessary to drop your child off at the beginning of the session as normal, but collect earlier for a period of time to enable a less stressful settling in process.
  • We endeavour to create an atmosphere where parents always feel welcome, valued and supported in this exciting part of children's education.

The original of this document was signed on behalf of Carmel Caterpillars Pre-school Committee by the current Chairperson