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Carmel Caterpillars Preschool



CARMEL HALL – TEL: 07946 547 347





We welcome you to our Pre-school and hope that you and your Child’s time here with us will be a very happy and productive experience.  If you have any queries or if we can be of any help to you in any way please feel free to speak to any member of staff who will only to happy to try to help.


We work within the revised Early Years Foundation Stage Guidelines and have copies of these for you to borrow and read. If you wish to see a copy please speak to Louise or Jo who will sign a copy out to you.  It is now mandatory to complete a 2 year old check with all children whilst at our Pre-school prior to them turning 3. This check will be completed by the Keyperson and will be signed by you the parent who will be encouraged to pass this information on to your health visitor.  This is in line with revised EYFS statutory requirements.



  • To work closely with you, the child’s parents/carers, to provide the best possible care for your child.
  • To enhance the development and education of your child using the Early Years Foundation stage, in a parent involved, community based setting.
  • To provide a safe, stimulating, fun and exciting environment.
  • To work within a framework which encourages equality of opportunity for all children and their families.


  • A home visit with a senior member of staff and where possible your child’s key person prior to starting at the pre-school to discuss your child’s individual needs.
  • A special tailored curriculum leading to EYFS learning goals.
  • Individual care and attention made possible by a high ratio of adults to children.
  • 1 to 4 - 2 year olds
  • 1 to 8 – 3/4 year olds
  • Key person system in place to offer stability to your child.
  • Fun and friendship with both adults and children a like.
  • Opportunities for you as parents/carers to be directly involved in the activities of the setting including: new this year sports day, coffee mornings, local trips into the community, activities in the pre-school, yearly pre-school outing, open days and standing as a member of the committee. 
  • Regular opportunities to be involved in your child’s progress and record keeping.
  • Qualified staff to be available at all times to listen, talk to and implement activities to aid your child’s development.

Technology in pre-school

As part of the EYFS and our on- going reflective assessments on our practices and methods of learning, we have made the decision to no longer provide the children with access to computers and laptops as one of their tools for learning. Our priorities initially lie in developing the children’s emotional, social and communication skills through play, activities, resources and positive role modelling and to use these methods as a basis to extend their learning in all other areas of the EYFS. There will be access to other forms of technology within the setting throughout our activities and the resources we provide.



Committee run pre-school

Carmel caterpillars pre-school is a community run pre-school which means it is owned and run by you the parents of the children attending. We rely on you to support your pre-school by becoming a member of the committee. We have a great group of parents at the moment who give up their time to help us when possible, especially with fundraising events that we rely on for extra money to keep the pre-school afloat. Being on the committee involves discussions and helping staff run fundraising events, and being involved in planning the future of the way pre-school is run, even having a say on staffing issues.

By law we have to hold an annual general meeting (AGM) which includes brief reports from staff and committee members on the previous year’s events. We also hold nominations for new committee members. We have to have a Chairperson, secretary, treasurer, fundraiser and other committee members. This is an essential part of pre-school. Please help us by joining the committee. The more parents we have the better for your pre-school.

Password System

Your Child’s welfare is paramount in the pre-school and for this reason we employ a Password system- a unique password is supplied by yourselves when your child starts pre-school. If any other person, besides yourself, collects your child they must give the unique Password on arrival. Please therefore ensure that you give them the relevant information. In the very unlikely event that a child were to go missing from the pre-school there is a policy/procedure in place which you are welcome to read ( please see Jo). In the event of an accident you will be asked to sign the Accident Record Book, if your child has an accident/injury that occurred outside of the pre- school sessions again you will be asked to record and sign for this information, in the Incidents Book. We also have a book that records information relating to any physical intervention/restraining by a member of staff that may have been required to keep both your child, and others, safe. We will ask you to read and sign the book when collecting your child.


Safeguarding procedure (summary)                                                                             

If we have any safeguarding issues or concerns regarding your child or if we are in any way worried about their welfare we have policies and procedures in place to follow. Depending on the nature or severity of the concerns, we will discuss the issues with you initially. However, if this is detriment to your child’s safety, we would contact the Children’s Safeguarding Services for advice. In the most severe cases the police will be contacted immediately. Our full safeguarding policy is available for you to read if you wish to do so.


Jewellery/plimsoles/labelling clothes

We ask that children do not wear jewellery of any kind. This can be extremely dangerous, especially hooped earrings and chains. Equally as important is the child’s footwear, we ask that you provide your child with a pair of black plimsolls named and supplied in a named bag. These can be left at the pre-school and changed into when your child arrives. Please label all your child’s clothing and items bought into pre-school. We do have a large amount of items lost because they have not been named. We have a range of uniform on sale; please speak to a member of staff for details. They will be happy to help.



Your child is provided with toast, fruit, water and milk during the sessions so no other food is required. Water is available all day for children to access for themselves.

We offer the facility to stay for lunch. Please provide your child with a packed lunch. This is to be put in a named lunch box with ice blocks inside to keep the food cool as we do not have adequate facilities to do this. We promote healthy eating so please do not include fizzy drinks, chocolate bars or sweets in their lunch boxes. The cost of this extra session is £2.50. This fee is payable by all children including those covered by Free Early Years Entitlement, if you wish your child to stay on the premises for lunch. You are welcome to take them off the premises for the half hour lunch time period a no cost to yourselves.



Fees must be paid daily, weekly, monthly or per term, always in advance. We cannot allow arrears of any kind as the pre-school is self-supporting. Fees must also be paid if your child is absent because of sickness/holiday etc., you will be asked to complete a holiday/absence form in advance if you know your child is going to be absent. If your child is sick please contact the pre-school a.s.a.p. on the first day of absence and complete an absence form when they return. We may text you if we have not heard from you by the end of the first day of absence. If your child is going into hospital please inform us as soon as you know, giving us a copy of the hospital letter and no fees will then be charged. If you are late collecting your child a late fee will be incurred - £5 for every 15 minutes that you are late.



9.15 - 11.45 Tuesday to Friday. Fees £13 per session
12.15 - 2.30 - 2.45 Tuesday to Friday. Fees £13 per session
We ask that all children contribute £2 per day attended towards the healthy food provided, however if you are experiencing financial difficulty please do not hesitate to speak to Louise or Jo.


Free Early Years Entitlement becomes available to every child the term after their 3rd Birthday (Terms being January, April and September). You are entitled to 15 hours per week.  This is, however, subject to availability so please let Jo our administrator know as soon as possible how many sessions you require.  Your child will be put on our waiting list for new starters and you will be contacted as soon as a place is available. The Government have now extended the Free Early Years Entitlement for working parents of 2 year olds to 15 hours and 3 year olds to 30 hours.  The Pre-school are offering 22 hours per week and the remaining 8 hours can be claimed at another setting or with a child minder. This Entitlement is due to be extended to other families as below* An Early Years Entitlement form for both categories of funding will need to be completed prior to the funding starting, then every term that you claim. Further information regarding all Entitlements can be found at  

*From September 2024, 15 hours childcare support will be extended to eligible working parents of children from the age of  9 months to 4 years.

From September 2025, eligible working parents of children aged 9 months to 4 years will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare a week.


We are still offering Free for 2 year old funding (FF2) of 15 hours per week, for families that meet certain criteria. This is available for the 2 terms before the child’s 3rd birthday.  You now need to apply online at to check your entitlement and receive a code, then we will do the rest of the application. 

Funding Entitlement - 2,3 & 4 year olds                                                                                                      

A child born in the period

Funded from the Term after their 2nd or 3rd birthday (as applicable)

1 January – 31st March

Autumn Term (September onwards)

1 April – 31st August

Spring Term (January onwards)

1 September – 31st December

Summer Term (April onwards)


A statement of your Early Years Entitlement is available on request. Please speak to Jo if you require this information.


Parent helpers

This is your pre-school, run by a very dedicated team who work extremely hard for your children. We rely on our parents to run the committee and help out with events throughout the year. We ask for your co-operation and support – YOUR PRE-SCHOOL NEEDS YOU!!!!

If you are able to help with snack time on a regular basis morning or afternoon please speak to any member of staff. Snack time is a valuable time where children not only enjoy toast, fruit and a drink but also socialise, and learn self help skills as well as tasks such as washing and drying their own cups and plates. All of these skills are vital to your child’s development and help them be an active learner and a critical thinker.

Please ask any member of staff if you have any queries or problems we can help you with. If you feel you have any skills that will benefit the pre-school please speak to a member of staff. If you would like to volunteer your services it would be greatly appreciated.


You and your child will be introduced to your Key person, who will be responsible for recording your child’s development and liaising with you. However all staff will be working equally with your child. Please feel free to speak to them at any time. All information regarding your child is available for you to see at anytime but we do hold a formal open day every June. This is an opportunity to see how the pre-school works, look through your child’s folder and make an appointment to speak to your key person about your child’s progress.




All Carmel Caterpillars Pre-school staff will treat children, Parents/Carers and each other with respect at all times and we expect to be treated in the same way.

Abusive or aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated and could result in Police action as well as the withdrawal of funding and the loss of your child’s place at Pre-school.


Birth certificate and deposit

An original birth certificate is required on registration. Please bring this with you on your first visit. We also require a deposit of one week’s fees OR one week's snack/fruit to secure the place, and this will be used as payment when your child starts.

Fee paying children - £26.00    = 2 x sessions

FEYE children - £4.00    = 2 days x snack 

During the time your child is with us, they will have their photograph taken while at play. If you have any concerns regarding this please speak to the Manager.


Carmel Caterpillars Pre-school has a comprehensive Policy folder that is available for parents to look at any time. Please feel free to take this home to read. These policies are written to safeguard your child whilst in our care and to inform you of what to expect from us. You will need to sign to say you have taken them and sign them back in once read.

Mobile Phones and Social Networking sites

We do need to draw your attention to our Mobile phone/social networking policy. A copy of this will be provided with your starter paperwork, please ensure that you have read this policy prior to your child starting at Carmel Caterpillars Pre-school. Please be aware that this policy may change as and when new legislation is introduced. We will write to inform you of changes we make that affect you as parents/carers.


All staff are required by law to have a police check. This includes all volunteer staff and long term students that work within the pre-school. The vetting policy will enable OFSTED to determine the suitability of those caring for or having regular contact with the children. The pre-school, their staff and all volunteers have not been convicted of an offence or been subject of an order which disqualifies them from registration under regulations made under schedule 9a of the children’s act 1989
We have a staff ratio of 1: 4 for 2 year olds and 1:8 for 3 years and above. At all times there are at least 5 qualified members of staff for each session of 30 children. The majority of staff are first aid qualified. When the amount of children increase the ratio of qualified staff increases. Regular volunteers may be taken into account on the staff ratio; students may be taken into account depending on age.


At present we employ 12 members of staff as follows: Please see below.


 Louise Leppenwell - Early Years Education   Manager 

NVQ 3 - Child safety officer/Health & Safety officer/Staff Monitoring Moderator

 Jo Redsell– Deputy Early Years Education   Manager & Administrator

Training for NVQ 3 - Administrator/Key person co-ordinator/Unique Journey’s Moderator/Student placement support Officer

 Kristina Taylor – Early Years Educator 

Level 3 CYP/ Risk Assessment Officer/ Stock Control Officer 

 Vicky Trinkwon – Early Years Educator

Level 3 CYP/SENco/Equal Opportunities Officer

 Helen Bailey - Early Years Educator 

Level 3 CYP/Planning Officer

 Natalie Barden- Early Years Educator

Level 3 CYP/ Fire Safety Officer/ Assistant SENCo/Reading book co-ordinator 
 Emma Ruler – Early Years Educator

Level 3 CYP/ Behaviour Management Officer

 Julie Pratt - Early Years Educator

Level 3 CYP/First Aid Officer/Deputy Child Protection Officer 

 Ruth Clifford - Early Years Educator

Level 2 CYP/Two Year Advocate/Birthday Officer








Subject to change

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